Monday, July 20, 2009

Catnip and Dogwood

We got two catnip plants at the farmer's market. The first one was squashed, and that was apparently from a cat butt sitting on it. The second one was protected in a tomato stake, but Kappa has been sleeping curled up next to it, guarding it, and eating it.
This photo is what Kappa does after eating too much catnip (eats dog food).

Also, horrifyingly, I almost killed Odin's dogwood already. Tom noticed the soil looked wet, and I hadn't put holes in the barrel, and when he made them, water poured out for like half an hour (albeit, through three nail sized holes, but I was mortified). I have never cared as much about keeping something alive as that tree, and I was so worried about it not getting enough water that I was drowning it.

It's been hot out

Apparently, increasing surface area exposed to air helps cats cool off. (Hot = 85)

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Photos switching

I'm going to use Picasa Web Albums for when I have a lot of pictures. Our camping trip in Colonel Bob Wilderness will be there. I am new to it, so I think you have to sign in to see them.

Ode's Dogwood

Last night camping (pictures coming soon) I couldn't sleep, so I thought all the way through his life. He had a good one.
Here is his dogwood - which took much more effort than I expected. It's in that pot so we can move it when we move.
I plan to eventually write about his euthanasia and the story of his life and how I feel now, but I haven't been able to yet. I can't even read. I just sit and stare at magazine pages. I miss him more than I expected, and I am crying a lot still.
Stampy actually seems to enjoy being an only dog.
Dr. W and her staff sent a very nice card and donated to the cardiology unit at WSU, which was really thoughtful.