Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stampy's vet visit

Although Stampy's eye was considerably less swollen this morning (and the proud flesh had also gotten smaller) we took him to the vet, where he got Cephalexin for about 2 weeks (antibiotics) which will be an incredible 12 pills a day because he's so big, and one week of ointment on the gross part and in his eye 3x a day.
The vet said it could either be a puncture, a cyst, or an abscess; the cyst will come back but the other two won't. So we'll see.

Friday, January 22, 2010

One shot of left eye and one of right, for comparison

Stamps' right eye got really big last night

There is something under the top eyelid that looks like proud flesh. The other eye looks like it is swelling now too.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stamps' right eye

Has a tiny bit of swelling in his upper eyelid.