Sunday, June 18, 2006

One Dane + One Ridgeback = 2 Hectic!

The weekend has gone past in a blur. Friday night we picked up Orion (who my dad is calling Levi), and it has been non-stop action. Betel also seems to have hit his stride, and he plays like a maniac, then falls over asleep, but only for 1/2 hour, then plays like a maniac. Fortunately, Odin is really enjoying playing with him, so he is a good big brother babysitter.
Orion's first night was a little overwhelming. He had to sleep in his own crate, but last night he spent most of the night in the same crate as Betel. Betel has developed a love/hate thing and is very jealous of attention, food, and toys that Orion has. Betel has gotten in trouble several times and has developed a talk back attitude, but then he sneaks up and curls next to Orion when he's asleep, so I think it'll be ok. Maybe he is taking advantage of the fact that in another week, Orion will be permanently bigger than him.
The first thing Betel did when Orion got home was pee in the house 4 times. Then today he peed on his bed - after I spent a couple hours cleaning (including steam cleaning). Then Orion peed on the clean rug. So it's gross here. And there's a poo-ville in the backyard.
Betel is 9 weeks old (well, was, on Friday) and weighs 14.5 pounds.
Orion is just shy of 7 weeks old and weighs 12 pounds.
Here's a couple more photos.
The Orion photos tend to be one of three images: yawning, asleep, or funny little self-satisfied smirk.

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