Sunday, February 11, 2007

R.I.P. Bella

The animal exodus has continued. I saw Bella a couple weeks ago when I was leaving for work, and she never came home. She had been sleeping next to my head on the pillow, and seemed to be hanging out in the house a lot more. I put signs in all the neighbor's mailboxes, and one called to say he thought he saw her, but she never came home. She didn't show up at the pound either. I kept hoping they both just adopted a new home in the neighborhood, but I haven't seen either of them in any windows. Someone suggested that a racoon might be in the neighborhood and killed them. I am feeling really bad about the whole thing, and again like a horrible pet parent. I am going to wait until the summer, when Stampy is calmer, and then adopt an adult cat from the pound. Of the people I know who let their cats go outside, they accept that cats have shorter lives, but higher quality, more natural cat lives. It is better than life in a cage or being euthanized, I guess.

Stampy has been bad. He has been tearing stuff up. It appears to be anxiety, not excess energy, but I'm going to try, now that the daylight is increasing, to take him on a longer walk every morning. He's been clingy to me and pushing Odin around.

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