Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Week in Review

Odin had a pretty good week overall. He had a few days where he was prancy, though he was a little bit clingier than normal (wanting to sit in the same room with me). Two nights in a row he had leaky butt in his diaper in his sleep. I thought the first night was bad until the second night happened, which was terrible. Starting with those nights, he's needed to get up and use the bathroom each night in the middle of the night, and that's new.
Stampy goes to the vet today to get a prescription for xanax to try to get him to settle down and leave Odin alone. This week seems a little better than last week, but he was getting really pushy and Odin was hiding from him and wouldn't eat unless I stood next to him (and mostly, won't eat anyway - yesterday even with an egg on his food he wouldn't eat). He has, though, been doing a good job with his pills. I'm still using meat for half of them (rotating between a pack of hot dogs and a pack of turkey slices with pb spread on them), but then the other half are those Greenie pill pockets which Judith must have bought stock in and then sent to me. I use 7 a day now. They're much, much cheaper online (I think I did KV Vet) than at the store - like $5 vs. $13.

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