Thursday, October 18, 2007

Kappa is funny

He seems to be adapating pretty well to life in the house.

He has this funny way of sitting - this morning was the second time I've seen him do it.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Return of Kappa

I noticed I hadn't seen Kappa the past week or so, but didn't think much of it since he's a pretty solitary guy. But today I had a call from animal services. He actually showed up there on the 24th (almost two weeks ago), and they missed his microchip when they scanned him. Today he was about to be adopted out to a new home, and they found the microchip.
I went in and picked him up, and moved him into the old dog room. He can walk around the house, but the gate blocks the dogs out (theoretically). I hope he doesn't spray all over the house. I put the cat aromatherapy stuff in there. The kittens are pretty interested in him, but he is just interested in looking outside. He seems to pretty much hate dogs.
With good reason - today we went to the barn (to give Kappa some space, to get Stampy some exercise on non-paved ground, to visit Mercury who is neglected yet another week), and Stampy rolled in something disgusting, and now he reeks and I don't have time to bathe him until the weekend. Dogs are so gross.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


I accidentally cut one of his toenails too short today, thus sparing him and Odin the agony of a bath. I felt horrible and it bled a lot, so here he is before, blissfully unaware of the horror about to befall him, and after, with a "sock" I made for him so he wouldn't bleed all over the house. (He bled all over me and two papertowels and himself and his ugly chair.)
He has forgiven me though, and is sitting either loyally or clingily (depending your point of view) by my side once again.

Peony and Poppy are curious

It is easy to misspell Poppy as Poopy.

I don't know how to make the pictures turn right way up.

Odin and Friends