Sunday, October 29, 2006

There was a flea on Bella today

Here's a photo of the puppies huddled on the couch. They're mad because they got baths first thing this morning, then the entire house got cleaned, including steam cleaning, so the floor is damp.

The dog family

Best buddies

The chair really is popular

Status of favorite toy from Aunt Judith

What's left of the new favorite toy from Aunt Judith

Friday, October 27, 2006

Betel is not as smart as I thought

Betel has been to Neil and Marcie's twice. He went for their party, with Orion and Odin on a Friday night. Then we spent the weekend there. They have electric fences for the horses, and at the party, Betel ran underneath it a couple times and only got shocked once.
However, when we were there for the weekend, he would not stop running underneath it. Of the 6 dogs, he was the smallest, so it was the easiest for him to get under. But it still brushed him. About every 2 or 3 times under, he'd get shocked and yelp and a few minutes later run under it again.
Finally, he accidentally brushed into it (instead of deliberately running under it) and it shocked him, and that time, approximately the 7th time he got shocked, he yelped and ran all the way back up the driveway to the house. It's a long driveway. And then he wouldn't come back down and made me carry him back down. He's heavy. And then he acted scared of it the rest of the time we were there.
What a dog moron. At least Orion and Odin figured it out, and they are far from bright bulbs. Orion, by the way, is still peeing on the floor and ocassionally pooping. I think it's him. I can't figure out if it's stress - from the change in routine and home, if his nose is too sensitive so I can't make the room smell clean enough, or if he's just too dumb to know to go outside.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Betel and Max playing with a stick

These pictures didn't come out as good as I hoped. Max weighs about 170 now, which is a Betel & Odin combined.

The new chair is quite popular

For some reason, pictures are posting great

So I'm just going to keep going. Stampy twisting himself up in the chair under the table.

Me learning to knit, surrounded by my boys

Note the look of intense concentration on my face. These ended up being pretty ugly. Judith and Mom just about fell down laughing.

Betel enjoys a good fire

Fact 4: When Stampy is going to bed, he likes to paw the bed a whole lot. Betel and Odin don't do that. He scratches and scratches and messes everything up, the flops down.

Mom and Judith on the couch with Orion

The dog couch, as you can see, was very popular.
Fact 3: Puppies appear to like to eat poop. Odin went through the phase, and now the boys are going through it. On our walks in Oakville, they kept finding delicious piles of what could only be poop and chowing down. As Mom & Judith taught me "TMI! TMI!"

Judith on the couch with Betel and Orion

Fact 2: Orion's tail is still really, really long. He is always forgetting it is behind him and I am always almost shutting it in the door because he only brings his body in. And Betel likes to grab it in his mouth.

Orion on the couch with Judith

Fact one: I saw Betel pee while he walked today because he was too hyper to stand still.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Judith's Pictures

Some of her pictures from her recent visit:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Flashback to 6 Weeks old photos

Housebreaking problems

Someone peed on the floor twice yesterday (I was gone all day), and then sometime between when I got home last night and went into the room this morning, someone pooped in there. I'm assuming, like with all the other accidents, Orion. He seems to be too dumb to have figured out how to work the bells on the door (which Betel uses also to go out and play and even Odin figured out when he was a puppy).
Betel has really been obnoxious. He won't stop chasing the cats and chewing on things he's not supposed to. I know we've moved into the most high energy destructive phase of a puppy's life, but it feels a lot more exhausting than Odin's phase.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Duh - Echo looks like a squirrel

That's why she gets chased so much!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Somebody keeps peeing on the dog bed

I suspect Orion, but it is really frustrating because I have never caught him (and I know it's a him), and I can't figure out why because he's not ever alone that long.
Both puppies have kennel cough. They must have gotten it at obedience school. It was a nice bite out of my dwindling money today to take them to the vet and find out.
However, I did get to find out their weights since they have long since grown past me being able to balance on the scale holding them and look down at the weight.
Betel is 58 pounds, and Orion is (drum roll - dum dum dum) 76 pounds!! He's not even 6 months old yet! He's also eating about 15 cups of food a day, compared to Odin's peak of 12, and Betel's measly 9.
But Betel - he walks in a room and people say "Here comes trouble." He was a terror. He yelped and screamed and ran around and was a pest. He provoked lots of stories about horrible dogs the vet or tech have known, and how disappointed they were when they heard a ridgeback was coming in. Apparently they are known for having personalities like Betel and not like Odin. (Two of them suggested I take him to obedience, and I said, sadly, he's already been through two classes.) Orion was sweet, as always.
The one funny thing that happened was that when they were leading Betel away to be weighed, Orion stayed in the room with me. I heard a distinct "poot" and started laughing at how loud it was. Well, it turns out it wasn't Orion - it was Betel - on the other side of the wall! The tech said "Does your dog always fart like that?"

Sunday, October 01, 2006

There is a tooth next to me

It's disgusting. Kevin found it on the floor.
Both puppies were limping yesterday. They both are eating and running around, but it makes me nervous to watch them limp. And Orion still has a bad cough, but he is still eating and playing, so I am just monitoring it.
Odin likes to eat broccoli as a treat.
Yesterday we went to Jem's property and the puppies did all sorts of running around. When I was on the rope swing, they got nervous and ran out into the center so that I smacked into them.
Later, when I was in the incredibly posh outdoor toilet, they were all right outside when I went in, and when I came out, only Odin was there. 30 minutes later the puppies came back. I was so nervous. I had been walking around calling for them and whistling for 20 minutes, then I sat dejected in the communal area.
That's about all the news for now.