Saturday, November 24, 2007

Worms B' Gone!

Today all three cats got wormed, with Dave's assistance. They all hated it, but only Kappa scratched me. That wormer must taste terrible.
The kittens are back to full-on playing. The vet said give them 7 days of rest, but there is no way they could rest. Kappa really missed them when they were out for the big (internal) snip. They really like to chew on things, carry things in their mouths, and tear stuff up - just like dogs.
Stampy is getting full of himself. Dave thinks it's because he's getting so much attention and is so much bigger than the other dogs at the dog park. The other day, I saw him sitting on the spare bed in the bedroom. Then tonight, when I was vacuuming, he faked being scared of the vacuum, jumped on my bed, and then nestled his head down and went to sleep, while I kept vacumming. I let him stay up there because it was so clever.

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