Monday, May 29, 2006

End of the Long Weekend

We picked Betel up on Friday night, and now it's the end of the three day weekend. It's gone by fast. Betel seems to be picking up on housebreaking, though he's also picking up on weird little manic bouts where he doesn't know what he wants or how to burn the excess energy he's got, so he dashes around, grabbing toys or people or cats or tables as he goes past.
Things he doesn't like: being left alone in the car.
Things he does like: little bites of hot dog.
The cats seem totally chill with the whole puppy thing, and Odin has played for a few moments. I think they'll play more when Betel doesn't vanish beneath Odin's paw.
He got new toys from Value Village - 10 stuffed animals for $7 (1/2 off sale).
He's crying, so no more posts tonight.

Some highlights from "The Book of Odin" (his diary until 4 months):
fri aug 6 - takes over my bed - can stretch his tiny body and hog the top half of bed and both pillows. has begun jumping on my head at all hours to play. much more interested in surroundings.
sat aug 7 - favorite toy is small plastic sour cream cup.

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