Monday, May 29, 2006

Introduction to the Family

This blog is about our dogs (and maybe, sometimes our other pets will get a mention). Odonata (Odin) is our rhodesian ridgeback. He will be 7 on June 21, and is a mighty (dumb) 120 pounds. He is, in all seriousness, the world's greatest dog. We are expanding the family so that Odin can train the newer members to be as regal as he is.
Our newest family member is Betelgeuse (Betel), who is also a rhodesian ridgeback, weighing in at 7 pounds and 6 weeks old.
We also have three cats: Bella, Echo, and Watanabe; one hedgehog: Quilliam; and a horse: Mercury. And three fish who I don't think have names.
As soon as I figure out how to post pictures, I will start putting up puppy pictures, since those are absolutely the cutest and most interesting part of having a puppy.
Betel joined our family on Friday, and in three weeks (we hope), his bigger, yet younger brother Orion will also add to the chaos. Orion will be a blue great dane, and who knows how much he'll weigh at 6 weeks.
So far, Betel: plays, sleeps, pees, and when we aren't looking, poops.

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