Saturday, September 06, 2008

Holter monitor results

Odin is still having afib episodes, and his ventricles are prematurely beating. He is getting another drug: mexiletine, which is supposed to help with the arrythmia. It may cause an upset tummy, and he should get it after food, which is going to be difficult since he doesn't like to eat, and to add to the complications, he gets it three times a day. The more evenly distributed the better, but Dr. W said I could do am, home, at bedtime, but I don't think she realizes that my "home" and "at bedtime" are only an hour apart. I've got to think about how I can rearrange my schedule without spending too much time in the car.
WSU is going to do a second holter in a couple weeks for free since it only got 18 hours the first time.
We are stopping Ode's digoxin for 48 hours, and then giving him a 1/2 dose, so just once a day instead of twice starting Monday.
Dr. W is also sending the Holter results to the other specialist to see if she has any feedback too.
The digoxin may be the cause of the pooping in the house. We'll see.
And Stampy's lumps are coming back.

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