Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to make a dog swallow pills?

Odin doesn't want to eat his pills anymore. This is especially troublesome now that he gets them three times a day, and this morning, after an agonizing (and slimy) fight, he immediately went outside and barfed them all up. I have a few ideas - cheese, spam, and hot dog slices - but that's not much, especially considering the meat roll-ups have been wildly successful.
I did, however, figure out the 3x/day schedule without completely abandoning the horses. I'm actually pretty pleased with it - there's good balance between the dogs, the horses, and work, and even some exercise for me. What there's not is any social life at all. I figure I can do that p.o. - if and when I move on.


Jude said...

Have you tried the little doggie pill pouches? Ours were big enough that I broke them in half and gave half to Ladybug (who got a pill in it) and half to Tucker (who just got the pouch). That got them to both eat it and not know any better

Unknown said...

I've been like you, using hot dogs and also cold cuts. Its pretty tough as Daisy can smell the pills sometimes selectively spits out pill-filled hot dogs (I alternate pill-free hot dog). I also alternate other treats jsut to put food in her belly. Daisy seems to love milkbones more than anything else. Thats weird, of course, because meat must be more delicious to a non-sick dog.

Big pills ... those are the worst. I've resorted to just prying Daisy's mouth open and inserting.

This is all compounded by the fact that Daisy doesn't much like eating these days. I've been buying this absurdly expensive canned food from this yuppie dog store. Today, Daisy will have "Thanksgiving turkey Dinner" sweet potatoes, carrots, green beens, granny smith apples.

Yes, daisy is eating better than me now. Actually, the yuppie store lady was anti- pill pouches. She said they had some ingredient she didn't like. Apparently she did not realize that people giving their dogs 8 pills a day, are not too worried about such things and are filling their dogs with hot dogs and cheese.

Pineapple express is also funny if you like that sort of thing...