Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mid-week Madness

Today's photos didn't turn out (too much shadow), so I am posting three of basically the same shot to illustrate how puppies can be cute and it is hard to choose which photo is the cutest. I particularly like Odin in the background.
Betel has moved past the needing to nap stage and now has energy almost all day long. Today was a very nice mid-80's with a breeze, so the heat wasn't too bad either. I worked from home, and left them alone in the backyard with Odin because I had to go to a work lunch. Everyone survived, even though I know a lot more about the neighbor boy and his friends than I ever wanted to. They must be home for the summer and they spent most of the day shooting a bb gun in the backyard and skateboarding on their back deck.
Orion is getting much more coordinated and standing up for himself. Odin even played with him for about 10 seconds! Yesterday he (I'm accusing him, though it might not have been him) peed on the dog bed when I was trying to work out because the TV was loud and scary.
They've both been great in the crate, and they are each eating about 3 cups of food a day, though Orion gets his soaked.
They are also doing well at sitting before going in and out of the door, but not good at sitting for meals or treats because Betel gets too excited. The way I've been leaving treats is to take 3 biscuits, break them into thirds, then scatter them around so that Betel can't hog all the biscuits. He probably still gets more, but at least Orion gets some.
I couldn't ride today because something stung/bit Mercury on the leg, and so instead I took Odin on a walk around the park. I think he really appreciated being out like a grown-up because he sniffed a lot more than usual. It was nice.

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