Thursday, June 22, 2006

Squeaky Yawn

Everytime I can't get near the computer, I think of all sorts of witty, clever, interesting, and funny things I should put in the blog about the puppies, but by the time I sit down, I am so beat I just want to stare at the screen.
Orion spends a lot of his time falling over onto his side. He tries to play, but he is just not coordinated enough yet (but his improvement in one week is stellar). His little squatty legs are so short he can walk underneath Betel. It's weird, because I know he's going to get bigger, but he just seems so small and old-man looking next to Betel. His eyes are funny too, like too stretched out over to the sides of his head. His eyes are also a pretty blue - like ol' Franky boy (Sinatra). I guess somehow they turn brown, eventually.
He and Betel are really getting along better. They spend a lot more time napping, or doing their own thing, instead of the growling wrestling. Odin still doesn't want to play with Orion, but he seems chill to the whole all of a sudden having two baby brothers.
We still think Betel is smart, even if he's food obsessed. He knows to sit in front of the door to go in and out, ring the bells, knows his name, and watches what is going on. He also "talks" when I'm carrying him around (which isn't that often - he is already so big compared to when we got him). He opens his mouth and makes the yawny talky sound. It is hilarious.
Tomorrow is supposed to get up to 75, and I have to work, so they're going to stay in the dog room until I get home at lunch, then I'll open the door and Odin will be in the backyard and they can be in the dog room or in the cat cage. Hopefully they'll hang out outside. So far they're pretty uninterested in the cat cage. And Orion peed on the floor in the dog room again today.
I wormed him yesterday because he was doing the butt scoot thing (instead of worming him this Saturday, when Betel gets another dose), but he didn't get the squirts like Betel did when I wormed him.
Also, it is extremly hard to get a cute photo. I either don't have the camera when they're doing something adorable, or they do it, and quit doing it the second I hit the button. I remember the same thing with Odin. I had a lot of pictures of him sleeping or of his butt running away from me.
Here's photos for the end of week 9 (Betel) and week 7 (Orion).
Just for comparison, when Odin was a puppy I limited myself to one roll of film per week (I don't know why). I took 34 pictures TODAY of the boys.
In other pet news this week, I gave Betel his 9 week shots on Monday. I gave a 6 way-combo and took him by surprise, but next time I'll probably need Kevin to help me. On Tuesday, Bella somehow got her tail (fur?) stuck in one of the hanging, dangling cat toys in the cat cage, and I heard her weird sounds and ran over there and her back feet couldn't touch the ground, so of course she was spitting mad and accidentally clawed my wrist up when I was trying to get her down. It bled kind of a lot. Then on Sunday Mercury spooked at a bird when we were walking around in the pasture and I fell off but my foot got stuck in the stirrup and he dragged me a little ways before my foot fell out. I just got really, really dirty. Like dirt way in my ear dirty.
Ok, it won't do the pictures, so I'll try once more in a different post then give up.
My hands are the only tan part on me. Yesterday was the longest day of the year, which doesn't feel right, and only my hands are tan.

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